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If you frequent my Around the Net column, you will know that I like to showcase modern marketing at it’s best. Microsoft has made this list before, however Microsoft’s newest series of ads are not only entertaining…they demonstrate real-life choices that appeal to the consumer. In these ads, entitled “Laptop Hunters”, Microsoft gives a consumer a budget for a new laptop that will meet their needs ($800, $1000, $2000…etc) and the consumer is set free to purchase any laptop of their choosing. They find the perfect laptop for them (MAC, PC or other) and it’s theirs.

These ads really strike a chord with the consumer in these tough economic times; is it worth paying double for the Apple logo?

Let these ads speak for themselves. Enjoy (ad scroll below for more Microsoft Marketing brilliance…and mishaps):

Another thing Microsoft has done very well is brand their CEO, Bill Gates. On the announce of Bill Gate’s last day at CES 2008, Microsoft ran this clip…PURE GOLD:

Through all this success…MS has had some flops (not talking about CPUs 🙂 ), Microsoft has had some marketing mishaps: While I love both Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld and the combination of their personalities made for geek-gold, it was no where near main-stream enough to have everyday appeal.