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Ubuntu 14.04 Samba Configuration Writable Share

Full writable samba share for 14.04. Edit /etc/samba/smb.conf : [sourcecode language=”plain”] [global] workgroup = WORKGROUP server string = Samba Server %v netbios name = SERVERNAME security = user map to guest = bad user dns proxy = no...

Software RAIDs over 2TB in Ubuntu 14.04 – The Easy Way!

Setting up and dealing with software RAIDs in Linux can be a pain – especially if you have drives over the old 2TB limit. After many setups over the years, here is the best way on Ubuntu systems (or any system that uses MDADM). If you drives are over 2TB in size...

Net Neutrality: Geeks Trolled

This video, and most of my fellow geeks, are completely missing the big issue with Net Neutrality and, are frankly, being duped! The Net Neutrality approach of having the FCC mandate rules for what providers can and can’t do is addressing a symptom of the...